We tell our own families' migration stories through presenting a family migration artifact and explaining its meaning for us and our families. Here you may learn:
Megan Reder, Canada (Quebec), 1870s
David Roqueni, Belgium to Spain to Cuba to US, e20C
Juan San Nicolas, Spain to Guam, 16th C
Shiloh Schardt, German, 1956
Find out about the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965
Some of us came to the US quite recently
(since 1965):
Evaline Brown, Samoan from New Zealand, 1990s
Jonnathan Flores, Mexico (Tabasco), 1989
Julio Gonzales, Mexico (Cuernavaca, Morelos), 1980s
Sanhareb Nano, Iraq (Assyrian), 2004
Kelvin Nunez, Mexico (Jalisco), 1980s
Gabriel Taylor, Belize, 1990s
Tajinder Virdee, India to Uganda to England, 1980s
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Most students became webmasters for the very first time. Apologies for any broken links and the uneven quality of the interviews, analyses, design. Thank you
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Recent news on transnational migration
Associate Professor of Anthropology
School of Social & Behavioral Sciences
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
Arizona State University-West, Phoenix