US/Mexico Border Fieldtrip Reports

On April 4th, all of the class participated in an all-day fieldtrip to Nogales, Mexico. We also brought along a few grad students in Social Justice & Human Rights, and a couple of professors. The trip was led by staff from BorderLinks, a Tucson-based, bi-national non-profit organization specializing in experiential education about the US/Mexico border region. BorderLinks programs raise awareness to build bridges of solidarity across North and Latin American borders and promote intercultural understanding and respect.

Read our trip reports to see what we experienced and learned! Don't miss our Photogallery!

The US/Mexico border at Nogales has not always been a contentious site, as these historic photos demonstrate.

To Those Who Have Died in the Desert

A poem by Orthón Perez (2004)

Read aloud to us  by Tajinder in the Sonoran Desert